01 March 2011

The Band-Aid

Pain is a biological response, but many of the deepest pains are within the soul. A cut on the finger does not cut as deep as a cut on the heart. Physical pain is simple to fix. The inventor of the Band-Aid may have constructed the most popular bandage in the world. Emotional pain causes much deeper wounds. It is never as simple as finding the Band-Aid to put over the open wound, or is it? The best way to cure an emotional wound is with a "Band-Aid." Each wound, whether emotional or physical, is fixed with the same method. Unfortunately, the emotional wound requires a more extensive search than the medicine cabinet. An emotional wound heals with alternative methods. Occasionally, this method consists of consulting with a friend. Expressing inner emotion and pain to other people can provide extremely beneficial. Sometimes, people cannot make it alone. People require a "Band-Aid" to fix their emotional wound. It takes time, patience, and the use of this "Band-Aid" to heal.

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