03 September 2008
5000 is a decently small number, but if I receive 5,000 hits to my blog between now and October 31st, I will write a book.
01 September 2008
The Path to Truth
A struggle, a fight for the truth, has finally come to an end for me. The fork in the road exists no longer. It is merely something I will see as I quickly look into my mirror. Next Thursday begins the start of the right path. I traveled through this path once, and turned my back on it. Turned my back on the truth, on the perfect fit.
22 August 2008
Change It
If you don't like the past, change it. Change it, but it's not that easy. You can't simply change the past. It is in the past; therefore unchangeable. The past teaches lessons that many of us can easily learn from. The greatest gift that the past gives us is the ability to know what to do in the future. The past is the past. There is nothing that anyone can do to fix the past now. The only thing we can do is be better prepared for the future
17 June 2008
Your Own Path
Each person is his or her person. Each person has their own path to take. This path is best forged by yourself. The easy path is following in the footsteps of another person. Matching each step of theirs with a step of your own. Following every move, every breath. The best path is to make your own path. Keep individuality and forge your own path. If you seem to be following in someone's footsteps, then do something. Show them that you are your own person and not some mindless follower. A follower, not an individual, does not flourish as well in life. Lead your own path do not follow in the shadow of someone else.
09 June 2008
Today, I stumbled upon a basket full of luscious fruit. Upon approaching the basket, I determined that the fruit was all plastic as part of an ingenious plan to draw me into it. I quickly grabbed one of the false fruits to examine it more thoroughly. I discovered an alarming fact about the illegitimate fruit. It was not only fake, but also more expensive than real fruit. Puzzled, I began to question why this could ever happen. It may have take a considerable amount of time and thought to fully understand the meaning of all of this. I was puzzled, but then it hit me like a train. We now live in a world that is so based on being fake that we can hardly appreciate what is real. We search for something that is fake more than something that is real. We search for a significant other who looks very great from the outside with little imperfections, but has nothing on the inside. The inside is a empty as the fake fruit I observed. sad, sad, sad...
29 May 2008
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Unfortunately, the beholder usually sees beauty only through the physical outward appearance of an individual. This idea of "beauty" is skewed. Now, I may argue this concept without complete clarification. I cannot say that I do not see a woman and argue the fact that she is indeed very attractive, but there is a fine line between attractiveness and beauty. Many people are unable to see the distinction despite clear evidence. Attractiveness is the most often sought after trait in a significant other. A trophy wife as one may call it, but how far will that really get you. Yes, she is extremely attractive. She will always be a great person to look at, but if she is solely attractive, the relationship will not flourish. A truly beautiful person will always make the best significant other. If dating troubles follow you, ask not why this always happens, but instead search more deeply into the problems stemming from your selection. Do not pass on the person who will love you with all their heart because they are not the most attractive. Further your selection to prosper......
My Purpose
A cause or purpose is often difficult to see. Many people have little purpose with anything action that they perform, but many other people have a purpose with every thing. It may be a great cause or purpose that causes them to act in the way of which they do, or it may be for personal reasons. My one purpose in writing anything is not to rant, not to insult, or any negative reason. My main purpose in typing anything is to hopefully help one person. If I can help just one person, then I will be content...
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